Auto Bharti/Scooter Times


Serving Automobile Trade & Industry Since 1970, Auto Bharti is enjoying Countrywide readership among leading Auto Parts Manufacturers, Dealers, Distributors, Garagists, Fleetowners, Recognised Export Houses, SRTUs and Auto Parts Dealers Associations.

Regular features like l Rubber & Tyre News l Oil & Lubricants News l Road Transport News l Company News l International Auto News and Associations' News are read with interest by regular readers of the journal.

Our participation in Regional, National and International Auto Expositions has given a special recognition to our journal in India and Abroad.

We with the cooperation of autoparts dealers associations, Affiliated to FAIASPDA, New Delhi, have publish autoparts dealers addresses of different states of India and after publishing, the issue is distributed free of cost to the dealers addresses. We are becoming helpful in establishing business relations among Autoparts Manufacturers, Distributors, Dealers and Recognised Export Houses, by doing this noble service through our journal.

More and more satisfied Autoparts Manufacturers are still associated with us as an advertiser in our journal since our inception of the journal in 1970.

Now, besides receiving our journal, as a subscriber, through courier, you can also subscribe the journal online for e-issue of the journal. 

Industry institutions, trade publishers and training centers

Industry institutions, trade publishers and training centers
Industry institutions, trade publishers and training centers

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