

Leister’s GEOSTAR G5 is a maintenance-friendly, hot-wedge welding machine, optimized for underground engineering. The GEOSTAR G5 automatic welder has a sophisticated design, consisting of a robust, aluminum frame that withstands challenging circumstances. The integrated clamp and handle lock guarantees simple, ergonomic, single-handed operation on the job site. At welding speeds up to 12 m/min (39.37 ft/min), the GOESTAR G5 welds large areas effortlessly. The hot wedge can be changed in less than one minute. Additionally, the GEOSTAR G5 can weld various geomembranes made of HD-PE, PP, LD-PE, TPO, FPO, PVC-P, CSPE and EIA with material thickness from 0.8 to 3 mm (30 to 120 mil) are welded effortlessly and safely. GEOSTAR G5 is ideal for welding geomembranes in landfills, mines and water reservoirs. HIGHLIGHTS - High performance SELF-PROPELLED - Lightweight, aluminum frame Through the lightweight construction with full-cast aluminum frame, the GEOSTAR G5 offers plenty of space to insert the geomembranes to be welded. INTUITIVE - Easy to use Easy operation through the intuitive and clearly built-in communication module (HMI). MAINTENANCE-FRIENDLY - Very easy to maintain The sophisticated aluminum construction allows for optimal maintenance positions with easy access to the mechanical parts of the machine (both for cleaning components and converting). APPLICATIONS - Virtually unlimited • Foundation waterproofing • Landfill and mining membrane welding • Pond waterproofing • Reservoirs and canals waterproofing"

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